Returning from the Hamptons on this rainy day I read the Sunday New York Post to prevent me from thinking. In the Pulse section of the Post, they listed their annual 25 Sexiest New Yorkers and I think you would agree with me, these 25 cannot be the sexiest people in Gotham. That's what makes top 10 and these lists so intriguing; if you can't quantify the results then they're inherently debatable.

Kelly Choi whom I’ve never heard of is a host on a local TV show called “Secrets of New York. I'm guessing Kelly is Korean based on her last name. In my humble opinion, Kelly deserves to be on the list or is the least debatable. Kelly is in her early 30’s and says about being sexy, "I'm the biggest goofball. If goofy is in, then I'm sexy." Then I would say, “if silly is in, then I’m sexy.”

Videos of Kelly Choi in NYC TV.

Secrets of New York Promo

The best of New York's Cheap Eats

The Towers of Gotham


Jet Koh said...

her show eat out ny should be called: "eat me out NY"