Gina was recently dismissed from Tyra Banks' show, America’s Next Top Model 6. Hey, I’ll root for any Korean American, female or male, as long as they don’t make a fool of themselves. Unfortunately, Gina has a serious identity crisis or severe insecurity issues about being Korean. It appeared she was trying to “represent” at the start of the series, but when push came to shove, she stated that she doesn’t even want to date Asian men. My guess is when you’re from Tampa, Fl that you don’t get too much exposure to other Koreans. She’s probably going through the same issues as Hines Ward when he was growing up, but hopefully she’ll realize that she shouldn’t be ashamed of her Korean roots.

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K said...

ugh, i really dislike her. she's so annoying.

airsusie said...

nyc korean - you're behind ... that was the past season. you must've been watching re-runs. get on top of the game, would ya? =P