No one knows more about drugs than me for obvious reasons, and my personal feelings echo Nancy Reagan (as a child of the 80's and Reaganism), "don't do drugs!" A friend of mine was out this weekend with a handful of new guys she had just met, and while they were singing at a karaoke lounge, these dudes decided to bust out the coke in the middle of a Whitney Houston song. My friend was in shock as they passed around the coke. It's been a while since a friend has told me a coke story -- the last one involved a very famous, since retired baseball all-star. So long that I've forgotten that coke is still used because there are new drug concoctions and cocktails. Coke was the drug of choice in the 80s but there are new drugs now that are cheaper and provide a similar high. Not much more to say then drugs aren't worth it.
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